Why NO ONE Plays Blaster

Thisisaverycompleteguideandgoesoveralmosteverythingyouneedtoknowinordertoplayblastereffectively.,Blasterisahighskillfloorandceilingclassthatisdesignedtodestroyyourhands.Idon'tplayBlaster,butitsoundslikeyoumightbe ...,BlasterisaSTRwarriorclasspart...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Blaster Guide Reviews

This is a very complete guide and goes over almost everything you need to know in order to play blaster effectively.

Blasters class suggestion - Maplestory Forums

Blaster is a high skill floor and ceiling class that is designed to destroy your hands. I don't play Blaster, but it sounds like you might be ...

Blaster Class Overview | MapleStory

Blaster is a STR warrior class part of the Resistance class group. Blasters are known to be high-APM compared to other classes and have a big learning curve ...

Blaster - MapleWiki

Blaster is a member of the Resistance who is of the Warrior branch. They use a special two-handed weapon, the Arm Cannon, as their primary weapon.

MapleStory Blaster Skill Build Guide

Blaster is a MapleStory class that relies on combo and animation-canceling skills to maximize damage and when done right, is a great DPS ...

Classes & Jobs - MapleStory

Each character and class has their own questline and tale to tell - try them all to get the full story!

Blaster for new players : rMaplestory

It's a VERY fun class and it's the only class I can see myself maining/doing end game bosses with. It's just so versatile and has a skill for everything.

New Blaster : rMaplestory

Number 1 thing to focus on and good key layout. Keys that must be comfortable are comboing with bob/weave + shotgun + cancel and bob & weave + ...

Why NO ONE Plays Blaster | MapleStory

Only 0.6% of all characters that are level 250 or higher in maplestory global are Blasters. Making it the 6th least played class in the game ...

Blaster's NEW 6th Job is UNDERATED in Maplestory

in todays video we showcase blaster! Blaster is a more complicated class in maplestory that requires a lot of practice! this class is a DPM ...


Thisisaverycompleteguideandgoesoveralmosteverythingyouneedtoknowinordertoplayblastereffectively.,Blasterisahighskillfloorandceilingclassthatisdesignedtodestroyyourhands.Idon'tplayBlaster,butitsoundslikeyoumightbe ...,BlasterisaSTRwarriorclasspartoftheResistanceclassgroup.Blastersareknowntobehigh-APMcomparedtootherclassesandhaveabiglearningcurve ...,BlasterisamemberoftheResistancewhoisoftheWarr...